Wednesday, September 12, 2012

vietnamese yogurt

Vietnamese yogurt 

I've been making yogurt very frequently lately due to high demand of hubby and the little one  . Adele loves it so much that she asks for yogurt the 1st thing in the morning instead of the milk lol and as always , i love making something that is good for their health , and indeed , yogurt is one the quick and easy nutritious snacks for people of all ages .
A couple of things  i love about homemade yogurt are : it tastes better , there's no preservatives and the cost is less expensive :)
This non-fail recipe only takes me about 10 minutes of preparation .

2 cans condensed milk + 2 cans of boiling water + 4 cans of milk  + 1 big can Nancy's nonfat yogurt :  mix well

Use the jars or anything you like to fill the mixture , i use plastic bags to avoid cleaning afterwards :)
Preheat the oven to 170F and turn off , place them in the oven and let them rest in there over night
 Adele could hardly wait when i take them out the next morning . She eats immediately with fresh fruits - a healthiest breakfast ever !


  1. i wonder if the vietnamese yogurt taste like the american yogurt ??

  2. Tracie ,the vietnamese version tastes a bit sweeter and sourer than the American one . My kid loves it especially when mixing the yogurt with cherries - one of her favorite snacks after school or dinner



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