Sunday, September 16, 2012

Just another blessing Sunday .

Since Adele got upgraded with a new bike at her 4th birthday , biking had become a daily routine after our dinner .  Im glad to see that she is growing up each day and getting just like her dad , an outdoor lover .

Today , instead of biking to the playground as usual , Adele was the only one who pedaled  , and 2 of us walking her down to a small lake that is about half of a mile from our house .

we couldn't even believe this is fall ...Oh how I love this kind of weather ,  sunny  in the  daytime  and it gets chilly in the evening and its such a perfect day for walking

Its a very small , slow and quiet town that we're happy we landed  here ,and that we thank God every day for a simple , peaceful life ...

... today , Adele learnt  her big lesson : biking down the hill . It was enough for my daughter to say she was a little nervous

There was no one but us ,,,,we felt this is all ours :)

Here we comes to the  lake ...
Huhmmm.. i was really disappointed to review the pictures i took . I wonder how come they didn't turn out as good as i expected . Maybe ...a big drop few days ago caused this  ? Looks like i really need to get a new camera soon  :-P hehehe

 After 15 minutes of a quick break here , it was time to walk back home ...

Honestly , I started feeling tired at this moment , but wow ...look at the little one, she was still energetic ...such a tough cookie !

We touched the front door at  8:30pm . Did we really spend  an hour and half  !!! Time is sure gone fast with lots of fun talking and laughing along the way that i hardly spend 30 minutes of running on my elliptical at home
Such a  great way to exercise and have a good bond with my loved ones  . Now I hope this weather to stay  with us forever :)

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