Saturday, November 9, 2013

Asian sweet buns - bánh mì ngọt

 I've  got a few requests recently from friends and since i have nothing to do at this moment , i decide to go back here and sharing how to make Asian sweet buns .
 heres the original link i followed : 
after a few trials and errors and modification , i just got one for myself because its quick and simple just to fit my lazy cooking style :-D
First , try to gather all the ingredients at once 

And here we need : 
3/4 cup milk + 1/2  stick butter  :  put in microwave for 1 minute 
 add 2 1/2 tps active yeast + 1 tsp sugar  : mix well and  wait 5 mins to activate the yeast 

 in the mixing bowl using flat hook ,  add :  2 cups bread flour + pinch of salt + 2 T sugar  ( add more sugar if you prefer )  : mix at speed 1 for 1 min 
add 4 eggs , one at a time  , then turn mixer at  highest speed for 3 mins . The batter is runny at this point . 

Use the timer to not over mix 

Change to dough hook , add 2 1/2 - 3 cups bread flour , mix at speed 4 for a good 7 mins until the dough is no longer sticky , smooth and elastic 

Let dough rise in warm place for 90 mins or doubled in size  .
 i toss mine in the oven and here it is  after 90 mins

then deflate the dough and divide into 16 equal balls 

shape or stuff the balls as needed , then let balls rise again for another 90 mins in warm place

here it is , double in size again after 90 mins 

Now its time to have some fun , i let little one in charge and gosh she is so excited :)
Egg wash : 1 egg yolk + 2 tsps water 

Bake @ 375F  for 15-20 mins , cover the top with aluminum foil if it gets too brown 

These are great after-school- snacks for the little one  

" mommy can i have 1 more please ? "
She loves and can it every.single.morning with cream cheese or peanut butter .

the bread is just soft, fluffy and slightly chewy. I  store it  at room temperature for 2 days then put it in the fridge for up to a week , microwave 30 seconds and it tastes as good as it's out of the oven :)
Hope it helps . Happy baking :)

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