Monday, December 3, 2012

Homemade Christmas dress for little girl

I can't just believe it's been a month i had not checked my page , lots of things happened last month but im glad they turned out great after all . Today , a day after mom flew back home , house still feels so quiet and empty , me and little one decided to do something fun together ,so  we cleaned up , folded the clothes ,  reorganized the closet and i just realized there were so many clothes that we had not had a chance to wear ... Just like moms out there , i have also made lots of mistakes of buying clothes online and felt regretted ... so , when Adele asked if i can make her a few more dresses , i thought it's just perfect to recycle those unused clothes and give them some brand new looks :)

So , i took out the looooong black dress i bought at 21 a few years ago , still i did not understand why i bought it :) i think it was ..super cheap lol , anyway ,  now i like it because its plenty of fabric that can make enough a dress for little one  , and ...another skirt for ...mommy haha 
I also pulled out Adele's 18 month dress that she quickly outgrew very longggg time ago ...these 2 colors are just perfect for this holy season . My little girl already has lots of dresses but it never seems to be enough , so when i told her i would make another dress , she just right away turned off  her favorite Sponge bath channel , ran to get the sewing machine and helped me set up the work station ..There the fun went on ...

the little red dress was cut in half , i kept the half top , cut the half bottom into 2 sleeves , wanted to make long sleeves but there was not enough fabric

and tada ...2 hours gone by quick with lots of fun

the front : 

And as usual , she could hardy wait to put it on ...its just what i imaged how it would turn out . It's a little long so she can wear her leggings underneath to keep her warm :)

She was just having so much fun with the " new dress " and the tree ....

Silly face melted my heart :)

finally .......there is a smile ...

oh ...and another fake one .... 

Bed time ! I'll update with a few more dresses  later .

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