Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Homemade dresses for little one

Adele wished for dresses for her 4th bday and i decided to 

make  some by my own hands . ...

i found it a good way to keep her entertained and teach her 

to sew at young age .. 

Let's take a look at how we did it together ...

 4 bucks for the fabric at Joann  , to make a skirt and a dress 

ooh la la ...only 1/2 way done and she got  really excited :)

                                               Momma i love them :)

 tada work paid off = her priceless smile :)

This fabric was originally bought for myself  but i no longer wanted it ...

 So here's another dress  for little one

I have to say pretty impressed myself to see how nice the dress looks on her

It  right away becomes one of her favorite dresses . " You rock Momma " 

          Get in style with this vintage dress , one of the hottest trends for this spring and summer :)

                    Ohh  how i love  the way it makes little one look like an angel ...



   Again , that smile  just melt my heart ....

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