Sunday, October 14, 2012

Review on the Hann steam mop

I am so  so so excited to share with you one of my favorite household items that i just purchased 3 months ago . It was actually a recommendation of the sister in law who had visited us and boy i can't thank her enough for it  .  Even though my house is a shoes free zone but having an active toddler and 2 little chihuahua dogs  means vacuuming and mopping constantly since i can't stand the thought of having her crawling around and laying down on dirty floors . Oh boy this machine truly saves my backache and i just wondered how i had not heard about it that long ...Now i never  want to go back to the traditional way : mop and water bucket . Look back at the $10 mop i have used for 6 years and how happy i am to say goodbye lol 

And here's my back saver . I bought it at Kolh's . It's very light ,  looking great and doing a nice job cleaning and keeping the floors shiny and i love it when it cleans without using any chemicals . My house has 3 different type of floorings : hardwood , tiles and carpet and this baby does it all . Its very simple to use : fill the water , turn on the unit , wait for a minute for the water to be steamed and off to glider across the floors having to cleaning the floors twice a week is not a problem at all :)

I love the way it leaves no streaks on the hardwood floors , it dries up too quick that sometime i got to touch the floors to see if it was actually working lol

The water tank looks small but i still have some water left after cleaning 1000 sfq living space 

And yes , like any mop ,you need to sweep first . I vacuum before using this machine and my floors feel clean and look great . Im so happy with this machine and hope it lasts :) 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you are enjoying your steam mop! All the credit goes to Gabbie for all of her research.



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