Monday, December 10, 2012

Im a happy Vitamixer :)

I am not a big smoothie person, but I was motivated by my constant efforts to get more greens into my body and my kid. Green smoothies sounded like a great way to do this painlessly. I have wanted a Vitamix blender for a few years now ,however, I just couldn't see myself parting with the $500 to get one. However, after watching the demo at Costco, and then tasting the spinach smoothie .... red cabbage ice cream , I was sold. And I'm not disappointed. I would have bought it a long time ago if I knew how great it was.

A lot of people complain about the Vitamix being a little too high to store under the counter but its not a problem in my kitchen :) The cleaning part is very simple , you put some hot soapy water in the container and blend, and then rinse . 

  I dont like eating veggies and have never wanted to eat kale or pears or fresh cranberries ......and i can't just believe that im eating them everyday 

I no longer juiced oranges . The white pithy part of oranges contains lots of vitamins and important nutrient with antioxidant and anticancer properties while juicing extracts water and nutrients and discards all the fiber .  It's recommended that women eat 25 to 30 grams of fiber each day to decrease the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, as well as some types of cancer including breast cancer.
Fiber is aslo filling , without fiber in the juice , you will be hungry again quickly   .This explains why i started eating less  but still feel full longer , great !!! ;-) its just exactly what i need for my healthy diet  *wink*wink*

I love my smoothies thick and smooth (like jamba juice) Thanks to the vitamix , we are now enjoying healthy smoothies at anytime we want . 
Look at how i throw all sorts of things in there:honeydew ,pineapple ,pear ,orange, kale, spinach, chopped walnut , 10-grain power , chia seeds , dried dates , fresh cranberries , grapes ...lots of things that we can hardly finish them all within ... a few days  

But now they all go into our bodies easily everyday , I can't say enough good things about this baby  

  I hope this helped and happy Blending :)

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